

 What is information and how do we use it for your listening experience?

Information, as we understand it, are structures that cause physical and / or biological reactions. It's a lock and key principle. The processes in humans, for example, are caused by communication. One cell tells the next what it has to do. To do this, the cells use a structure to which the cells are adjusted.

Helpful information

In this way, information can help the body to function better, as we know it from information medicine. One of the best-known medical fields in which information is used is surely homeopathy.

Disruptive information

Research by. Shows that information can also disturb the body Prof. Dr. Peter Semm. This showed that 60% of the nerve cells of a zebra finch fired incorrectly when a GSM (cell phone) signal was pulsed. Without the 217 Hz pulsation, nothing happened.

This is exactly how we divide up the effects of our information. On the one hand, we reduce the impact of disruptions with special information. On the other hand, we de-stress people with positive information.

Information against negative physical reactions

Vortex HIFI basically uses 2 pieces of information for the reduction of potential vortices, like this one from Prof Dr Konstantin Meyl classified as biologically relevant. This is the information from the 2D chip technology and once the interference suppression information from the AIO - interference suppression technology.

The biological relevance of the potential eddies occurring at disturbances is to be seen negatively. The potential vortices arising from field disturbances and eddy currents generate noise and, in this way, disturbances in the nervous system and thus stress. That means that these potential vortices have to be resolved - that is, they have to be suppressed. For example, by informing the 2D interference suppression chips the potential vortices are resolved and the field strength at a source of interference is clearly measurable reduced (see 3D E-field measurements with and without 2D interference suppression chips).

Pre-measurement of an LCD TV without a 2D interference suppression chip. At measuring point 5 220,3 volts / meter electrical field strength.
Pre-measurement of an LCD TV without 2D interference suppression chips. At measuring point 5 220,3 volts / meter electrical field strength.
Re-measurement of the LCD TV with 2D interference suppression chip. At measuring point 5 now only 22,2 volts / meter of electrical field strength.
Re-measurement of the LCD TV with 2D interference suppression chips. At measuring point 5 now only 22,2 volts / meter of electrical field strength.

By reducing the potential vortex through the 2D chip information, there is less noise and thus less stress on the human nervous system. This, in turn, is absolutely necessary for a relaxed, for you natural (personally correctly perceived) sound experience. Because electrosmog (Potential vortex) changes your hearing sensation.

Information for positive physical reactions

The second group of information that Vortex HiFi uses to enhance your sound experience is intended to consciously reduce stress in your body and support the complex hearing process - to improve sensory perception.

Vortex HiFi Dounut to reduce stress when listening to music
Vortex HiFi Dounut to reduce stress when listening to music

This information is the second information on the AIO technology. This information, called stress relief information, is the AIO products and can also be placed over pyramids that are placed near the listener or even over a AIO - donut be worn on the body.

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