Prof.em. dr medical Karl Hecht

Prof.em. dr medical Karl Hecht

Quote from Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht:

"In my more than 50 years as a doctor and medical scientist, I have repeatedly made the experience

  •  that nonsensical, unscientific and untruthful things are more likely to be believed and are stuck in people's minds and can last much longer than truths, meaningful and genuinely scientific things.
  •  that real new discoveries are always met with skepticism and sometimes even with slander, while old dogmas that are no longer valid are adhered to, although they are no longer of any use or even harm to people. "

Prof. Dr. Med. Karl Hecht is a respected scientist with over 750 scientific publications. The work of Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht are interesting insofar as they give a very comprehensive view of the effects of electrosmog on people. In particular, his summary of Russian research on this topic from over 800 Russian original works is unique in its complexity and meaningfulness. This literature study was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Telecommunications. Particularly in this summary, the biological effects of microwave radiation (see biological effects of electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 0-3 GHz on humans) are expressly pointed out to their influence on the sense of hearing and sight.

He shows a very differentiated historical outline of the effect of electromagnetic fields and waves in "To trivialize the health-relevant effects of high-frequency radio and microwave radiation (including the cell phone system) on functional and physical processes in humans". This statement is at the same time a scientific criticism of the current “research in the field of electrosmog.

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