Why Power Optimizer and Ground Optimizer?

Why Power Optimizer and Ground Optimizer?

We are asked again and again whether the new Power Optimizer current filter replaces the Ground Optimizer for mass optimization?

This question assumes that disturbances in the power grid directly cause ground disturbances and vice versa. A ground fault can, however, be independent of faults on the power grid in the devices and disturbances in the power grid can have completely different causes. HiFi systems usually do not generate as much interference as other switching power supplies in the home.

Video from the short and simple series - everything about the Ground Optimizer

The problem:

We basically need a ground optimizer and Power Optimizer, since people with nervous disorders, noises in the ears and so on on interference frequencies from 4.000 Hz on in principle all Lines reacts.

The graphic shows the relationship between strong harmonics (from 4000 Hz) on a power line and complaints of an electro-sensitive woman: blue with strong harmonics above 4.000 Hz and red with low harmonics above 4.000 Hz. Noises in the ears, memory loss and confusion are particularly critical for listening to music. The measurement basis is the reduction of so-called GS units.

These nerve disorders create stress and worsen the sensation of music. The cause is therefore the field radiation from disturbances of the lines, as you can find on power lines (Diry Power) as well as on all ground lines. The picture below shows the deterioration in the heart rate variability - key figures due to network disturbances in an energy-saving lamp. The stress index increases by 13%!

HRV energy saving lamp-2
Our HRV stress measurement with a special EKG on humans shows the deterioration of all HRV heart parameters and the stress factor when an energy-saving lamp is switched on.

Since the ground is usually used for shielding, but is also a signal conductor (speaker cable), we also have many large antennas in the hi-fi system for this interference radiation. When it comes to power lines, the entire house network shines.

The solutions:

To now the Mass problems to solve, we set the Ground optimizer in order to balance out ground disturbances with respect to the ground potential with little eddying and to destroy them in the mains plug of the Ground Optimizer.

The result is a reduced field strength and, above all, less turbulence and therefore less noise (in the field).

A30 mass test.
The Ground Optimizer reduces individual interference frequencies but also broadband interference on the ground. Blue without Ground Optimizer, yellow with!

To fix the problem on the Power line to reduce, we use ours power optimizer.  This is a large parallel filter of 15uF that has been corrected using a compensation process.

This technical solution enables filtering from 4.000 Hz to well into the megahertz range. This bandwidth would be impossible without our unique compensation circuit. The result is an extreme reduction in interference frequencies above 4.000 Hz up to well into the megahertz range.

gs measurement filter
The microsurge meters already used in medical studies show a significant reduction in the biologically critical harmonics above 4.000 Hz. On the left a measurement with an energy-saving lamp and on the right the same setup only with a Vortex BOB filter. Below 25 GS units is good - above 50 should be filtered.
Both measures together lead to perfect sound with a feel-good factor

Only through the use of both concepts for ground and power lines does a sound result that is far above that which you can somehow achieve differently within your four walls.

Download (PDF, 4.56MB)

Test report listening experience: Vortex HiFi BOB filter here

Test report audiophil-online: Vortex HiFi BOB-Filter here

Test report listening experience about the Ground Optimizer here

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