South German HiFi days with Vortex HiFi

South German HiFi days with Vortex HiFi

Dear Music listeners,

Vortex HiFi will be guest at Thomas Fast's South German HiFi Days on September 7th and 8th. In rooms 223 and 225 of fastaudio you can hear and see a large selection of our room optimization tools.

In room 223, demonstrations of individual interference suppression tools take place throughout the day. You can experience the difference in how a room sounds with and without different interference suppression products.

Among other things, you can hear:

  • The reference cable series from the power supply to the speaker cable. Experience music on a different level when cables reduce 98% of previous interference.
  • Experience how potential equalization disturbances dissolve into thin air with our exclusive Ground Optimizer and how an incredibly spatial and airy sound sets in. (Test report listening experience)
  • Experience how sound feels when biologically relevant network disturbances are no longer distracted by our exclusive BOB filter while listening to music. (Test report listening experience, Test report audiophil online)
  • Experience why guests in the audiophil online editorial team were suddenly able to understand speech much better even with hearing aids than the exclusive Nano Shield Power Plugs were used and how the latest Power Plugs are changing the way we listen to music. (Test report audiophil online)
  • Experience how small circular blanks made of informed Beg crystal on your windows can revolutionize your listening to music.
  • Experience how the VN device feet from Vortex HiFi can cause enormous sound changes even under an iPad. (Test report listening experience).
  • Experience our exclusive, new, informed magnet technology (Iraser) that changes your old CD's, LP's, cables, plugs and windows as if they were freshly made. (Test report listening experience, Test report audiophiel online)

... .. or just listen to great music. We are looking forward to your visit.

Yours Norbert Maurer


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